The new place for the washer and dryer is on the second floor... are you concerned about leaking?
What about your second floor laundry room?
There are many things you can do with a shower pan liner that you might not have though about, or perhaps you have been wondering how to build something specific and didn't realize that a shower pan liner could be the solution to your problem!
you build a laundry room on a second floor, you want to ensure that
your floor has the proper drainage system that is waterproof, and includes a drain, a properly sloped mortar bed, and a curb.
Our OneLiner - prefabricated shower pan liner systems can do all of this for you. As shown in the photo, the curb encases the washing machine and dryer ensuring that if the washing machine overflows or if the hose backs up, the rest of your laundry room as well as ceiling over your main floor is fully protected.
Although the washing machine and the dryer sit on top of the mortar bed, this will not raise the height of the machines too drastically, as the pitch will be less than 2" height with a center drain.
This system is recommended for any house that has a second floor laundry - or use this system in the basement if your laundry area is near a finished room that you would like to protect.
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